Tuesday, January 26, 2010

30 days

Drake is busy framing herself in while working on Wells Fargo's float. Better hurry, the stage coach is coming into town and it rests on top of this wall!

Rob is on detail painting, These fun kids will grace the new Money Lord booth at the flower festival.

Money pot is still being adorned by Alli who is getting a handle on it.

Alli laying out money pot embellishment. Going to be some tricky cutting.

Hello Baby! The Lottery's Money lord is growing some hair. Jamie's mask is protecting...nothing but the top of her head from glitter. Alli is hiding because she is terminally shy.

Alli, the second in comand trying to hide the holes in her beloved but tormented overalls. Her pants have more duct tape then a handyman's toolbox!

New face but old shop friend Grant is overviewing a welding project, The Magic Fan. He will need every skill from his race car mechanic days to force cold steel into a graceful fan full of girls. Grant does hit some home runs on his projects and left with a wad of Dave's money to buy a truck load of metal in the morning.
That bundle of plastic is a full size template drawn by shop master Dave to see if the fan could even fit within the parade height limitations.

The dance team needs to practice this weekend Grant!

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